
Pick a Question, Any Question!

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CLASS PARTICIPATION.  Okay, I need you guys yet again.  But I think this will be more fun than stalking me.  I'm going to release a series of videos (covers, most likely) and I want you to be involved in some way.  Each video will be a little different and I'll address what I need you to do beforehand, but I'd LOVE to see as much participation as possible.  And if you'd like to extend this invitation to your own friends, please do so!

To ease our way into this "scary notion of class participation" (Can you tell that I was the kid in school who hated raising her hand?  I mean, c'mon...being wrong in your head is one thing.  Being wrong in a classroom of thirty kids waiting to make fun of you for just about anything...that's another.  I'll keep my hand down, thank you.)  I figured we could start with something easy, an ice-breaker if you will. 

What I need you to do:
I want you to ask me a question. What I'm going to do on my end is collect all these questions and respond to them in a video.  Don't worry - you're not going to have thirty kids laughing at you if you ask a silly question because you can remain anonymous if you choose to do so.  Blogger has that lovely option.  You don't need an account.

You can pose questions to me on any of the platforms, but the most convenient (and only way to remain anonymous)  will be on here by commenting below. 

Your questions can be related to my music, process of writing, etc., or they can be about my personal life (to an extent).  They can be about silly things like whether I prefer dogs over cats (I choose cats, btw).  Anything.  I just want to see how many people I can get involved. 

You can ask a question on any of my posts - I will get it.  It does not have to be on this specific post, so feel free to roam about my blog if you have a specific question regarding a song.

And again, I will release a video of me answering your questions and perhaps I'll sing you a song at the end of it.  Please take part in this, even if this is your first time checking out my blog.  I am really excited to do this and I hope you guys are too :)


  1. test question

    see? i am anonymous, mwa ha ha! Okay, now it's your turn.

  2. What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

  3. Where do you get the most inspiration for writing songs?

  4. You talked about the benefits of brainstorming on various instruments (as opposed to just the piano or acoustic guitar only);

    Opposite to that, what are the benefits of becoming a master of a certain instrument? How does it feel to know that you can play 95% of what may be technically asked of you on an instrument?

  5. Which fruit is best?

  6. Do you feel, in your most honest assessment, that broccoli is indeed the greatest of vegetables?

    Also, how much pen(cil) and paper work goes into your writing process? Do you sketch things out by hand, or perhaps write them down on staff paper when you're finished? Or are your creations exist mainly as recordings?
